We now offer two ways to pay for our service; either an annual subscription or buy “Pay As You Go enquiry credits”
New members of CL Booking can benefit from our amazing annual starter rate. This special rate will continue every year, as long as your CL membership remains active without any interruptions.
You may request a unique new member code to activate your page when you pay for your first annual membership
Please Click Here to request a New Members Code
Here are the abridged terms; for the full terms and conditions, privacy policy, and service agreement, please click the links in the footer below.
This Agreement starts immediately and renews for a year from the 1st day of the month following your subscription. This new date becomes the renewal in subsequent years. Your first payment will be a proportion of 1 month’s subscription before the full year's subscription is taken on the 1st day of the following month.
You must have valid credit or debit card details when you subscribe.
YAfter the minimum period has expired, your agreement will automatically renew at the same rate until cancelled by either party (subject to our T & C’s).
If the annual subscription isn’t renewed, your page will be removed from public view until the subscription is reactivated at the rates being charged at that time. Please note, if there is a break in the agreement, any previously provided discounts will be void, and the full price will be due.
£25 for 10 Enquiries Cost per enquiry: £2.50
£50 for 25 enquiries Cost per enquiry: £2
£75 for 45 enquiries Cost per enquiry: £1.67
Welcome to the CL Booking "Pay As You Go" Sign-up page. Below are the abridged terms; for the full terms and conditions, privacy policy, and service agreement, please click the links in the footer.
Our service grants full access to CL Booking. To receive and manage enquiries, you must purchase enquiry credits in advance. These credits remain on your account until used (no time limit). Cost packages are shown above.
When your credits are down to 4, you'll be invited by email to top up or subscribe annually.
Please Note: